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Also, you can set up the TeamCity agent to be run from the console all the time (for example, configure an automatic user logon and run the agent on the user logon). Most often this is service-specific and is not related to TeamCity directly.

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If this fixes the issue, you can try to figure out why running under the service is a problem for the build. If the TeamCity build agent is run as a service (for example, it is installed as a Windows service), try running the TeamCity agent under a regular user with administrative permissions from the command line. If that works, try another runner if that feels applicable.Ĭheck that the build runs fine from the command prompt when run on the same machine as the TeamCity agent and under the same user that the agent is running, with the same environment variables and the same working directory, same architecture (32/64 bit) command line. When the command runs OK, configure the same command in a TeamCity build using the Command Line runner with the custom script setting. If necessary, run the TeamCity agent under a different user or tweak its environment. Make sure it works on the TeamCity agent machine, under the same user as the TeamCity agent runs under, with the same environment the agent receives. If a build fails or otherwise misbehaves in TeamCity but you believe it should not, the first thing to do is to check whether the issue is related to TeamCity or not.įind a way to run the task from a command prompt.

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Before reporting your problem, check if any of these Help pages contains the solution already:īuild works locally but fails or misbehaves in TeamCity Most user issues are related to the following topics.

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